Inspire the young minds

Inspire the Young Minds

The month of heritage, September came to an end with my family celebrated our heritage, our culture, the birthday of my second born child and also celebrating my first-born child’s birthday. My kids have grown, y’all. I am grateful to be called a mom.

Celebration of heritage signifies knowing your roots, understanding who you are and being proud of it. It means observing your culture, respecting your culture and making means to impart the knowledge to the young ones.

One’s culture can be celebrated by means of performing cultural dances, wearing of cultural and traditional attire, cooking traditional food, recipes and cooking lessons, crafts making such as bead making, display of farm produce, herbs and traditional medicine, to name but a few.

It is a pity that there are people who are not comfortable with partaking in these activities mainly for reasons of being ashamed of embracing their heritage. Let us encourage the youngsters to partake and preserve the wealth. Let us guard against the repercussions of the lost generation.

To inspire our young, let us begin by displaying kindness, respect, appreciation, excitement, love, sharing and encouragement, giving and availing ourselves to be mentors. Let us move away from just talking and start doing as young children learn by doing. After all, actions speaks louder than words.

I will lead the way by doing a GIVEAWAY of 5 copies of “The Brave Little African Girl” (x5 Ebooks to 5 girls (between 8 and 18 years old) who are passionate about reading and writing and can display their passion by posting their short stories or poetry on my Facebook page (

Entries close Monday, 22 February 2021!

Mothers, Fathers, Aunts, Uncles, Brothers and Sisters – please encourage and assist the girls to post.

The girls are requested to indicate WHY they are passionate about reading and writing and where they see themselves in the future as a result of their passion.

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